The Earth's core is producing 47 trillion Watts of electricity right beneath our feet each and every second. That's 1 million times more than the mankind can consume.
For various reasons, science couldn't (or didn't want) to figure out a way to harvest this immense source of energy
up until now...
This crazy professor made a discovery that is about to change the energy world forever. It was by accident that he invented a crazy device that feeds itself from the earth's core.
Here's what it is all about.
Everybody says that this should be the humiliation of the century for the scientist. The moment you see how this device looks like you'll be amazed too.
Here's a video that will teach you everything.
Moreover, this crazy professor claims that everybody can build such a device and become energy independent without having special knowledge or experience in the field.
Some people are skeptical and say it's impossible while others, desperately needing a way to cut their high electricity bills have given it a try ....and they are shocked with results.
Anyway, to make the long story short, if you are willing to cut your electricity bills by at least 90% have a look here: