On my free time I love to create weird art, you know the name +ΚĻΟΚprdctns and his art the processes are creation with old, recycle news paper article and much more. These visually stunning picture the have unique art for many art lovers shows a visual local art shows, bar show and festivals that want a visual art component for their event.
Before I staring work with arts and media I was a dishwasher worker at restaurant and other jobs like, car wash messenger and construction to survive in this country to help my family a and brother and sister, I came to united state. What I bring you this time is a concept and how to express your self with your passion or your hobby o what you like to do and your free time here some of my work and project.,,
On my way going to school or work my little free time i love to write or draw different article about weird art so I KLOK smart went come to my art or my passion, one of tale of stories is been immigrant come from a city in Dominican Republic call it Santiago where there my family was living in the was and still a lot poverty so one of my dream is create at and talk about my art and my project.And this project the I bring to my readers and people the like what I do, I showing the love the immigrant have for this grate country and faith fro the grated nation of North America.